Nursing at MCC
Start Your Career in Nursing!
Lowell Campus - Day
Lowell Campus - Evening / Weekend
Earn an associate degree in Nursing with day and evening/weekend options to gain field-related science, technical skills, and general education with learning experiences in the classroom, nursing laboratory and clinical settings. You will be prepared to take the NCLEX-RN and work in hospitals, clinics, physician’s offices, schools, outpatient treatment facilities, home health care agencies, correctional facilities, travel corps, summer camps and the military.
Accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Program Effectiveness Data | Sample Size | Time | Result |
Graduate NCLEX Pass Rate - The first-time pass rate. | 42 students | 2024 | 100% |
Job Placement Rate - The number of graduates employed in Nursing within six to eight months of graduation. | 82% responded | 2024 | All those who responded have job placement. |
Admission to the Program - The program capacity is 90 students. | 83 students admitted | 2024 | 92.2% of capacity |
On-Time Completion Rate | 37 graduates | 2024 | 44% |
Program Completion - From the point of entrance, the number of graduates who successfully complete the Nursing Program within 150% of the normal completion time. | 38 graduates | 2024 | 47% |
Nursing Program Student Learning Outcomes
The ability to minimize the risk of harm, is not listed as a specific competency, rather, it is an overarching concept that is imbedded implicitly or explicitly into every competency. *Safety (S)
- Provide safe, holistic, compassionate, and coordinated care to patients, families, and communities across the lifespan. *Patient-Centered Care (PCC)
- Use the best current evidence coupled with clinical competence and consideration of patients’ preferences, experience, and values to make practice decisions to provide safe care. *Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- Use advanced technology to analyzeinformation and collaborate in order to make decisions that minimize harm and optimize patient outcomes. *Informatics and Technology (IT)
- Analyze data, using resources within their environment, to monitor the outcomes of care processes to provide care that is of optimal quality and value. *Quality Improvement (QI) System-Based Practice (SBP)
- Use leadership skills to influence the behavior of individuals or groups of individuals and to foster team learning and a way that will facilitate the establishment and acquisition/achievement of shared goals. Leadership (L) *Teamwork and Collaboration (TC)
- Demonstrate the attributes of professionalism consistent with moral, altruistic, ethical, legal, regulatory, and humanistic principles. Professionalism (P)
- Interact effectively with patients, families and colleagues, fostering mutual respect and shared decision making, to enhance patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
Communication (C)
*= QSEN Competencies
Health Programs Health Requirements Policy
Students accepted to Health Programs must be in compliance with the current immunization
requirements specified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for Health
Care Personnel (HCP) and in accordance with state law, MGL, Chapter 76, Section 15C,
and its regulations at 105 CMR 220.000 - 220.700 in order to participate in an externship
placement or clinical experience. Students may also be required to meet additional
requirements of the particular health program and/or clinical agency as outlined below.
Students who are not in compliance with these requirements may not be allowed to participate in classes, externship placement, or clinical experiences, which may jeopardize their ability to continue in the program.
Health Record Requirements
Completion of Pages 2 and 3 of Required Student Health Record Form, Which Includes:
- Student Information
- Physical Examination and evaluation by a health care provider (completed within past 12 months).
- Testing for Color (This may be administered in Lowell by the Health Compliance Personnel in the Cowan Center, 5th floor, Cubical 9, the Administrative Assistant in Pollard 301, or the Administrative Assistant in Derby 409)
- TB testing either:
- Two-step tuberculin skin test (TST) for Tuberculosis
- 1st TB/PPD given, read and recorded.
- If positive, see notes below.
- If negative, repeat in 1-3 weeks (2nd TB/PPD given, read and recorded)
- Two-step tuberculin skin test (TST) for Tuberculosis
- TB blood test (T-Spot or QuantiFERON Gold)
Notes: Positive reactors to the skin test must submit positive TB test report and a report
of a negative chest x-ray performed in the past 5 years from admission date, and documentation
of an annual symptom assessment report from your health care provider.
The TB Test must be done before entering the program and updated at least every 12
For the annual update of TB testing, Either
- a one-step Mantoux (TB/PPD) tuberculin skin test*
OR - TB blood test (T-Spot or QuantiFERON Gold) will be sufficient to meet the requirements for the annual update.
Students are only required to do the two-step Mantoux (TB/PPD) tuberculin skin test upon acceptance into their health program.
Exemptions From Vaccinations and Immunization
Although currently the MA Department of Public Health does not require all of the
vaccinations listed in this Health Requirements Policy, to comply with MCC’s clinical
sites and hospital-based placements, we require these vaccinations for Health Students
who have not otherwise not been approved for an exemption.
All medical requests must be verified with a letter from a medical provider. The letter must specify which immunizations cannot be given and the condition that prevents the administration of the vaccine(s). All religious exemptions must be accompanied by a statement of a student sincerely held belief and may also include a statement from a clergy member or faith-based leader.
In the event of an outbreak of any of the vaccine preventable diseases in the community, unvaccinated students will be excluded from campus, classes, and clinical rotations until the period of communicability has passed. The College will not be responsible for any costs associated with missed classes and no refunds will be made.
While MCC will make reasonable efforts to place you at a clinical site, clinical placements cannot be guaranteed for those who have not received all required vaccinations. This may prevent you from being able to participate in clinical/practicum courses and externships, and/or successfully complete the program.
Failure to meet the health/immunization requirements deadlines will result in removal from the program.
Accepted: 2/21/06 Revised 12/11; 10/12, 8/13, 10/15, 4/16, 6/16, 3/17, 1/18, 8/18, 10/18, 8/20, 8/21, 11/21, 5/22, 6/23, 11/23, 5/8/24
*NOTE: Although currently the Massachusetts Department of Public Health does not require these vaccines, most of our clinical partners do. While a reasonable effort will be made to place you in a clinical facility if you do not have these, clinical placement cannot be guaranteed for those who have not received these vaccinations.
IMPORTANT: We encourage you to begin completing the health requirements now and save a copy of your record. Please review the onboarding requirements. Titers and vaccines are required. This process could take up to 6 months or more to complete. You must meet ALL requirements or you will not be able to begin the program.
Immunization Requirements for Health Care Personnel
Official Documentation of:
- One dose of Tdap vaccination, with a booster (either Td or Tdap) every 10
- Two doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine, given at least 28 days apart on/after
12 months of age, or a positive blood titer report for all three - (1) Rubeola, (2)
Mumps, (3) Rubella (with original copy of lab results)
- Completion of the 3 dose Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine series or the new 2 dose Heplisav-B,
- Positive Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti HBs) blood titer report (with original copy of lab results)
- Two doses of Varicella vaccine given one month apart, or a positive Varicella blood titer report with original copy of lab results
- One dose of MenACWY meningococcal vaccine administered on or after 16th birthday for any newly enrolled full- time student 21 years of age or younger.
- Annual flu vaccine including manufacturer, expiration date, and lot number Due October 1st of each year
- Up to date with the most recent COVID-19 vaccine upon entry and annual boosters including manufacturer, lot number, and expiration date
OSHA Requirements
Color Deficiency testing (may be administered in Lowell by the Health Compliance Personnel
in the Cowan Center, 5th floor, Cubical 9, the Administrative Assistant in Pollard
301, or the Administrative Assistant in Derby 409).
As part of the program curriculum, you will receive education for OSHA Blood-borne
Pathogen Standard and Universal Precautions for all health program students prior
to clinical placement.
Student Health and Medical Insurance
All students enrolled in Health Programs are required to carry health insurance because
of the potential of exposure to a variety of communicable/infectious diseases as well
as contractual requirements of some affiliating agencies. The period of coverage must
be current throughout students’ enrollment in the Health Program.
Malpractice Insurance
As part of your tuition, MCC will provide Malpractice/Liability Coverage of one million
dollars per incident and three million dollars aggregate is maintained for all students
in health programs. This insurance only addresses a claim arising from activities
required by the student’s program.
Health Clearance for Participation in the Clinical Area
All enrolled Health Program students, new and returning, will be expected to have
completed the Health Records, Immunization, and OSHA (Color Deficiency Testing) requirements
prior to participation in any externship placement or clinical experience.
All students should submit documentation of these requirements to CastleBranch as directed in the admission acceptance package. CastleBranch is an online resource that allows health program students to submit and track their health records with the College. The documentation will be reviewed and depending upon completeness of the record, the program coordinators will be notified regarding health clearance status for students enrolled in their specific program. Students may not participate in the externship or clinical experience until all records are successfully submitted and they are cleared, and/or an exemption is approved.
Students are also responsible for updating any requirements (e.g., annual TB/PPD test, CPR, Tdap) in order to continue their participation in the externship or clinical experience if any requirement expires before the end of the externship or clinical experience. CastleBranch reminder alerts start 21 days before due date, and repeat weekly thereafter.
Medical Clearance for Return to Class/Clinical After Illness/Injury or Change in Health
Students are responsible for notifying their course faculty/clinical instructor and
their Department Chair/Program Coordinator/ Director within 24 hours of any change
in health status, including but not limited to:
- Exposure to a reportable disease requiring
- isolation/quarantine
- Symptoms/disease
- Accident/injury
- Any circumstance that may change health status
- Department Chair/Program Coordinator/Director should notify the Health Compliance and Data Coordinator (HCDC) as soon as possible of this change.
- The Health Compliance and Data Coordinator will provide the student with a copy of a clinical clearance form to submit to the student’s health care provider.
- Students will not be permitted to return to classes or the clinical area until documentation from the health care provider is returned to the HCDC and the student is cleared to return.
- The Department Chair/Program Coordinator/Director will notify the appropriate course faculty/clinical instructor that the student is cleared to return, and send the original of the clinical clearance form to the Health Compliance personnel.
Drug Screening: Patient safety is a paramount concern in the health care arena both locally and nationally. To ensure that patient care is not compromised, facilities and agencies engaged in patient care have begun to require mandatory drug testing of all their employees and any affiliating groups. Some clinical facilities, which are used in health programs at Middlesex Community College, require that all students participating in a clinical experience at that facility have undergone and passed a drug screening analysis. Therefore, students enrolled in health programs that utilize these facilities will be required to undergo and pass random drug screening in order to remain in the program. In addition, students may be required to undergo random drug screening at the clinical facility as part of their clinical participation requirements.
Students who either fail to pass, or refuse to submit to, or fail to schedule and take a drug screening analysis within the designated time frame will be deemed ineligible for clinical placement, and consequently will be dismissed from the program. All students will be notified, in writing, of the requirement for drug screening when enrolling in a program that requires such screening.
CPR Certification: All students must be currently certified in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) before entering any clinical nursing course and must maintain valid certification throughout the nursing program. Certification is valid for two years. Some clinical agencies may require annual re-certification. A student may not go into the clinical area until the requirement has been met. Each day missed for this reason will be considered a clinical absence.
The certification must include:
- one- and two-person CPR of adults, children, and infants who are conscious or unconscious.
- management of foreign body airway obstruction in adults, children, and infants who are conscious or unconscious.
- use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).
- live demonstration/practice. Online certification/recertification are not accepted.
Examples of courses which meet these requirements are:
1). Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer with AED Essentials
2.) American Heart Association BLS for the Health Care Provider
All students should submit documentation of these requirements via Castlebranch. Information to create an account via Castlebranch has been provided to you at orientation and as part of your acceptance to the program. Instructions are also located in your blackboard site and the nursing website.
The Nursing Program has implemented a compliance tracking system through CastleBranch. Records and forms will need to be submitted to CastleBranch, in addition to giving physical copies of documentation of FLU and COVID-19 vaccination record to clinical sites during each semester (per DPH guidelines). Upon acceptance students will receive directions to set up a CastleBranch account and will be provided with a checklist of health records that will need to be uploaded to Castlebranch. A list of the health records to submit is located on the nursing webpage, in the nursing student handbook, and on the nursing admissions website. The Nursing Program reserves the right to rescind the admission status of any student not meeting, as well as not submitting, all post-admission requirements in a timely manner.
Clinical Placements
Current Nursing Program clinical affiliations include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Care One
- Beth Israel Lahey Health
- Billerica House of Corrections
- Billerica Public Schools
- Chelmsford Board of Health
- Department of Veterans Affairs Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Hospital
- Dracut Public Schools
- Emerson Hospital
- Emerson
- Encompass Health
- Fresenius Kidney Center
- Lowell Community Charter Public School
- Lowell Community Health Center
- Lowell General Hospital
- Lowell General Hospital Pain Management Center
- Lowell General Hospital Cancer Center
- MCI-Concord
- Nashoba Learning Group
- Restorix Health
- Westford Public Health
- Winchester Hospital
- Wingate at Haverhill
Clinical Requirements for Accepted Students
CORI/SORI: As a prerequisite for a clinical placement in the nursing program, all students must undergo a Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) check and a Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) check. These checks are required due to potential unsupervised contact with children, the disabled, the elderly, or other vulnerable populations during a clinical experience. Students found to have certain criminal convictions or pending criminal actions will be presumed ineligible to participate in clinical. The college is authorized by the Commonwealth’s Criminal History Systems Board, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 6, Sections 167-178B, to access CORI records. The college shall refer to regulations issued by the Commonwealth’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services, 101 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 15.00–15.16, as guidance when assessing student CORI records. Sex Offender checks shall be performed pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 6, Section 178C–178P.
These checks may be repeated periodically. A sample copy of the forms the student signs is located on the nursing website and in the nursing student handbook. Qualified MCC administrative personnel submit the documents. At no time will the particulars of the information obtained on the form be shared with course faculty. If a student is allowed to enroll or participate in the program despite having certain criminal convictions or pending criminal actions, this is no guarantee that a future employer would also disregard such criminal record. Some clinical sites may require that students undergo CORI checks for any state that they have lived in the past 5-7 years
For more information regarding the College’s CORI/SORI check process, please email MCC's Dean of Health, Karen Townsend
Fingerprinting: Some clinical agencies require fingerprinting in addition to CORI/SORI.
Debra Bradley, MSN, RN, CNE – Professor
Derby 4th Floor room 405
Karen Feldman, MSN, RN – Professor
Derby 4th Floor room 405
Sharon Hamel, MSN, RN – Associate Professor
978 656-3039
Derby 4th Floor room 410
Susan Lavallee, Director of Nurse Education
Derby 4th Floor room 401
Ann (Veronica) McDonough, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC – Coordinator of Part-Time Option
Derby 4th Floor room 408
Jeanne McIsaac, MSN, RN – Assistant Professor
Derby 4th Floor room 407
Susan Miller, MSN, RN, CNE – Assistant Professor
978 656-3043
Derby 4th Floor room 406
Sarah Pedone, MSN, RN – Assistant Professor
Derby 4th Floor room 410
Abigail Robtoy, MSN, RN – Assistant Professor
Derby 4th Floor room 406
Mary Rohnstock, MSN, RN – Assistant Professor
Derby 4th Floor room 407
Kerry Sorrentino, MSN, RN – Assistant Professor
Derby 4th Floor room 401