Students of all ages, backgrounds and experiences come to Middlesex Community College to engage in professional and personal development to enhance their lives. MCC’s Community Education and Training (CET) programs offer a variety of courses and certificates to help employees succeed in today’s workforce, including in Grant Writing.
“I learned about how to think as a grant writer and how to find foundations and organizations who have similar beliefs to my organization,” said Erin Campbell, an MCC Grant Writing student from Bedford. “The hardest part for me before I took these classes was that I had no idea how to find these organizations and foundations. These classes really helped me understand the process. We are truly so lucky to have this amazing college, and I can say without a doubt it has made a difference in my life.”
After completing the intro course, Campbell continued into the Advanced Grant Writing class where she learned more from her instructor and classmates. She also had the opportunity to submit a grant she developed for a class assignment and receive funding for her nonprofit. Campbell credits MCC’s noncredit programs for providing the knowledge and skills she needed to be successful, as well as offering an easy registration process and excellent customer service.
MCC’s Intro to Grant Writing class provides an introduction to nonprofit grants, prospect research, and grant writing. Students learn best practices to go through the grants process, such as identifying potential funders, strengthening their organization, and improving their chances to receive funding. Instructor David Byrd will go through common questions to help students understand what funders are looking for.
"Grant writing is about so much more than actually putting pen to paper,” Byrd said. “Students learn about the context of grants within their organization and the nonprofit environment. We also learn how to put together a boilerplate to use with many grant applications, spend time creating real grant proposals relevant to each student's organization or interest, and why it takes careful planning and communication to create a really strong proposal."
The Advanced Grant Writing class deepens students’ understanding of grants and enhances grant writing skills. Each class focuses on a specific topic to strengthen grant proposals and develop effective strategies. Examples include in-depth prospect research, program description sections, and more. Also taught by Byrd, the class is offered for staff grant writers, consultants, and those looking to increase their grants knowledge.
In Spring 2025, two programs will hone students’ skills in grant writing, including the introductory and advanced sections. The next Intro to Grant Writing class will start on January 28. The online classes will take place 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays. The Advanced Grant Writing class will follow, starting on Tuesday, April 8.
To help her create Bedford Community Science, a nonprofit to bring the community together through experiential learning, Campbell continues to enroll in noncredit classes at MCC. The courses are providing the professional development and personal enrichment she needs to work with community partners to offer real-world opportunities to young learners
“I coupled a certificate in nonprofit management with grant writing and am going to take an accounting and bookkeeping class next month,” Campbell said. “This will have a tremendously positive impact on my ability to create and sustain this new organization.”
Register for MCC's Grant Writing courses and learn more about Community Education and Training.