This Spring, Middlesex Community College will offer youths early exposure to potential college and career paths. MCC’s Community Education and Training (CET) division provides hands-on experiences for youths to develop their knowledge and skills in a variety of subjects, including STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), business, public service and communication.

“Our youth programs are a chance for young students to learn about the different options available to them as they continue their education,” said Audrey Nahabedian, MCC’s Dean of Workforce Education. “Classes dive deeper into a specific subject, while students practice valuable skills, gain confidence, and learn helpful habits they can use in the future. Offered after school and during breaks, our youth programming will help your child learn something new and improve their skills.”

For students interested in STEM, an Engineering/Computer Aided Design (CAD) course introduces high school students to the field. The class allows students to explore skills, values and life goals, while teaching tools, such as hand-on printed circuit board layout, 3D printers, and software programs. MCC will also offer two Algebra Review courses for students in middle school through high school to strengthen skills, review concepts, go over problems, and ask questions.

A College for Teens Business Career Exploration class will introduce students to business skills and concepts, including an opportunity to do career mapping, writing and research to develop a real-world understanding of jobs in the business and accounting fields, as well as how to get them. Students can also participate in the Entrepreneurship Experience, a program offered by DesignMy that allows students to design and customize products. The class will learn about tools, marketing strategies, financial concepts, and business insights.

“Classes dive deeper into a specific subject, while students practice valuable skills, gain confidence, and learn helpful habits they can use in the future. Offered after school and during breaks, our youth programming will help your child learn something new and improve their skills.” - Audrey Nahabedian, MCC’s Dean of Workforce Education

In the Public Service Career Exploration class, students learn about careers in a variety of fields, including law enforcement agencies, court system, corrections, emergency response services and victim services. High school students will explore how their interests, personality, skills, values and life goals match with their strengths in the public service industry.

To help students improve public speaking skills, MCC will offer the Art of Presentation: Speaking with Confidence. Teens will learn to use their voice, build confidence, practice speaking in a supportive environment, and use verbal and non-verbal tools to increase their self-esteem. Other options this Spring include a Cake Pop Class, Creative Cupcakes, and Dungeons & Dragons.

“MCC’s youth programs are a cost-effective and low-risk way for students to explore interests, learn about careers, and jumpstart their futures in a friendly and welcoming environment,” Nahabedian said. “Check out our line-up of fun and exciting programs offered this Spring.”

Register and learn more about upcoming options!