Though he chose to pursue a career in business, Ken Russo always wondered what his life would be like if he worked in law. After taking an early retirement, he decided to return to school and start a paralegal studies program. At Middlesex Community College, the combination of having a program offer an American Bar Association (ABA) approval and hands-on experiences is helping him follow his dreams.
“I started studying for a paralegal certificate at another community college that was geographically closer to home,” Russo said. “I read an article that ranked the certificate programs in Massachusetts, and MCC was rated number one. Hence, I researched MCC and compared it to my then current program. The paralegal program was important to and supported by MCC more than at the other community college, and MCC has made and continues to make a greater investment.”
From his first day of classes at Middlesex, Paralegal Studies Program Chair Scot Gabriel has made an impact on Russo’s academic journey. The wide variety of classes offered helped Russo build his foundational knowledge and advance with core classes, such as research and writing, litigation, and computer applications. He can also choose from electives on business law, contract law, intellectual property, as well as take on an internship experience.
In the program, Gabriel also provides Russo and his classmates with access to hands-on experiences and networking opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom. During a recent career night event, alumni working in their field returned to the college to share their personal experiences and field questions.
“The forum was excellent, and we all learned a lot from the experienced paralegals,” Russo said. “[Gabriel] successfully got me started on and headed in the right direction for my paralegal career. All my professors have been excellent. They are all practicing attorneys who love to teach.”
After completing a mediation training class, Russo hopes to become a certified mediator in MCC’s Law Center. Located on the college’s Bedford campus, the MCC Law Center provides mediation services, consumer information, school-based violence prevention programs, and international conflict resolution training to the Greater Lowell and Bedford communities. Many MCC paralegal studies students intern, mediate and go on to work at the Law Center.
“The MCC Law Center offers opportunities for successful students to practice mediation after certification,” Russo said. “This will allow me to gain experience mediating cases under the mentorship of experienced mediators within the trial court system and to interact with practicing attorneys and court personnel.”
Through MCC’s membership, Russo was also able to join the Massachusetts Paralegal Association (MPA). As part of the association, he networks with paralegals in the state and has access to continuing legal education classes. He also participates in activities, including a recent hiring event with local firms and agencies.
Upon completing his certificate at Middlesex, Russo plans to work as a paralegal under direction of an attorney. He believes the knowledge and opportunities he gained at MCC will help him be successful in his new career.
“These experiences will provide me with advantages when I start my career search,” he said. “My overall experience at MCC has been wonderful. Pursuing my legal education is literally a dream come true.”