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Schedule an Appointment!

Our Coordinators of Transfer Affairs, Academic and Faculty Advisors along with other professional staff are here to support you and answer questions regarding your transfer planning.

New Students Transferring Into MCC:
Please have official copies of your transcripts sent and connect with admissions.

Your Academic Advisor:
Starting with your Academic Advisor is always a good idea. Find out who it is in MyMCC. Listed in Navigate.
If your assigned academic advisor is a faculty member or professional staff, not in the advising office, please either send an email or call their office to arrange an appointment.

Individual Transfer Advising Appointments:
To schedule an appointment login to Navigate on MyMCC. Then click appointments. Use the following options:

  • MassTransfer Advising - For your first transfer meetings and general transfer questions.
  • General Transfer Advising - For transfer questions that are more detailed, or as a follow up after you attended MassTransfer Advising.

Drop-In Advising:
Come to the available Advising option and mention transfer when you enter.

Contact Us!

Nick Cloutier
Coordinator of Transfer Affairs