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Professional Development for Healthcare Workers and Caregivers!

Focus on your personal enrichment and professional development.

Our noncredit health programs and certificates give you access to a variety of courses.

With our noncredit classes in the health pathway, you can:

  • Expand your existing skills
  • Gain a deeper understanding of healthcare principles
  • Earn a certificate to advance in your job

View the current course catalog.

Cover of the current Community Education and Training schedule.

Information available in an
alternate format upon request.

Certified Addiction Recovery Coach (CARC)

Recovery coaches assist people to focus on increasing their motivation, identifying, and creating a plan to reach their goals, and help them remove barriers to their recovery.  

This 76-hour online training will provide you with the strategies needed to assist individuals seeking recovery from substances and or co-occurring challenges. Emphasis is placed on the skills needed to link people in recovery to needed support within the community to build recovery capital. Upon completion students will have the required 60 hours of training to become employed as a recovery coach. Once in the field and the 500 hours of supervision are met, students will apply to Massachusetts Board of Substance Abuse Counselor Certification (MBSACC) to become a Certified Addiction Recovery Coach (CARC). All course materials, CEUS, 10 supervision hours and 5 hours of career assistance are included in the cost of the program. Supervision hours (10) will be determined by the instructor when class begins. 500 hours of supervision for MBSACC certification are met through employment or volunteer work and are not part of the training program. Please note: The accelerated hybrid format will include 30 hours of Recovery Coach Academy, 16 hours of Ethical Considerations, 3 hours of Motivational Interviewing, 5 hours of Addiction 101, 4 Exploring Culture through a DEI Lens and 3 hours of Mental Health and wellness.  (76 total hours). $1,999 This course is not eligible for tuition waivers. 

Pay Plan Available

February 3 to February 20, 2025
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
5:00pm - 8:30pm
Online with class meeting times
Course Number: CAR 978 80      CRN: 20236
Professor: BURNS

Accurate, Safe & Effective Local Anesthesia

Do you know why when you give an IANB, you do not achieve complete anesthesia or anesthesia at all? What is the safest local anesthetic for your pregnant patient, cardiac patient, or a patient with liver disease? What new advances are there in dental local anesthesia? This presentation will address how to ensure the safest anesthetic for your patient, and how to troubleshoot and improve your injection techniques. A review of how to calculate the MRD to prevent toxicity will be covered including other risk management principles for safe local anesthesia administration. Lecture class only; no clinical component.  Course is a live webinar and not recorded,  4 hours, 4 CEUs.  $109 

April 26, 2025     9:00am - 1:00pm         Saturday    
Online via Zoom
Course Number  HLT 744-75   CRN 20397       
Presenter:  Debra November - Rider

Dental Office Administration

Are you looking for a career in dental office administration? Join us for a complete introduction to dental front office administration. We will provide a foundation of dental knowledge and administrative skills for anyone interested in starting a career in a dental practice with little to no experience, or dental assistants seeking to expand their knowledge. Course is taught online with instructor via Zoom. $299. 15 hours

Intro to Dental Practice
Dental Terminology/HIPAA/Infection Control
Superior Customer Service and The Patient Experience
Appointment Scheduling and Phone Skills
Treatment Planning, Insurance, and Co-pays
Review and Professional Opportunities  

Thursday, March 6 to April 10, 2025

6pm - 9pm
Online via Zoom                           
Course number: HLT 782 75    CRN: 20253        
Professor: LaRoche

Hands on Refresher: Digital Radiology, Periodontal Instrumentation and Local Anesthesia Techniques

If you are re-entering the workforce or currently a Registered Dental Hygienist and would like to refresh your clinical techniques in critical aspects of dental hygiene procedures, this course is for you!  After a lecture review on all three topics, the participant will have 1:4 clinical instructor/participant ratio with digital radiography on a “Dexter” mannequin; hands-on periodontal instrumentation techniques on typodonts and local anesthesia techniques on each other with a practice needle so no need to receive local anesthesia. Suggestions for optimal ergonomics will be addressed. A simulator mouth model will also be available to confirm that you are in the “correct area” for various injection techniques. Light breakfast included. Bring lunch. (8 hours, 8 CEUs)  $550
Note:  No local anesthetic will be used. 
At the completion you will:

  1. Identify important hard and soft tissue landmarks for various maxillary and mandibular nerve blocks.
  2. Demonstrate proper needle placement and syringe angle for various injection techniques.
  3. Implement strategies to troubleshoot inadequate or absence of local anesthesia.
  4. Discuss issues related to grasp, fulcrums, exploring, and probing.
  5. Review key effective and efficient instrumentation strategies related to hand instrumentation.
  6. Identify common pitfalls in instrumentation and strategies to avoid them.
  7. Recognize criteria for diagnostically acceptable intraoral radiographic images.
  8. Identify strategies to manage challenges and obstacles to diagnostic outcomes.
  9. Demonstrate effective intraoral radiographic troubleshooting techniques, including managing third molars, tori, and long roots.

Instructors:  MacPherson, Rider, Shutoff  
April 5, 2025     Saturday
MCC Lowell MA campus from 8:30a - 5p
Course Number CAR 505-80      CRN 20412
To enroll: email 

Local Anesthesia Certification Training for RDH

This course is recommended for registered dental hygienists who would like to become certified in local anesthesia. Since 2005, MCC has prepared thousands of RDH to become certified in local anesthesia.

MCC complies with the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Dentistry regulations for the administration of local anesthesia. At completion, the RDH will be able to administer safe, effective, and painless local anesthesia with confidence and competence and be prepared to take the computerized CDCA exam. The course consists of a 50 hour on-line study (independent and self-paced) prior to clinical, interactive presentations, and a 3-day clinical in which students will have 30 injection experiences and a clinical final exam. Each participant will have 30 injections total - 3 of the following. Note: Plain Anesthetics used. No vasoconstrictors are added.

  1. Anterior Superior Alveolar (ASA)
  2. Middle Superior Alveolar (MSA)
  3. Posterior Superior Alveolar (PSA)
  4. Infraorbital (IO)
  5. Greater Palatine (GP)
  6. Nasopalatine (NP)
  7. Inferior Alveolar/Lingual
  8. Buccal
  9. Mental/Incisive
  10. Infiltrations (maxillary & mandibular)

The strength of this hands-on course is the amount of actual time you will administer injections to your classmates. Participants must sit as a patient. Upon successful completion, students will be awarded a certificate and 26 CEUs. Note: Partial credit cannot be awarded. 4:1 student to instructor ratio during clinical.

 Pass or fail course. Students must complete all requirements - partial credit cannot be awarded. Students are required to submit appropriate forms: medical and dental history, consent form, student memo of understanding, copy of current CPR certification and RDH license prior to the online study. Please note that the online study is self-paced but takes approx. 50 hours to complete. The online study and three online quizzes (75 % or above) must be completed by the above date in order to participate in clinical. It is strongly recommended that participants begin the online study 6-8 weeks prior to clinical.

Course Number:  CAR 751 80  CRN: 18310  

Next Session:
Online Study Period (Independent and Self Paced):
July 8, 2025  - October 6, 2025

Onsite Clinical Dates:  October 11, 12, 13, 2025
Time:  8am to 6pm
Location of 3 day clinical:
Middlesex Community, College, 44 Middle Street, Lowell, MA. Dental Clinic.

Enrollment Period:   July 1, 2025 - August 19, 2025 (or until seats are filled)

Tuition: $1,650 which includes the online study, breakfast and lunch, 3-day clinical, and clinical supplies. Liability insurance covered by MCC.

Self-paced Online Study Period/3 Online Quizzes: Must be completed by October 6, 2025 to participate in clinical.

Lead Instructor and Course Director: Debra November-Rider, RDH, MSDH
Supervising Dentist and MCC faculty:  Dr. Mary Terkoski, D.D.S.

Enrollment and forms process:
Step 1:  Complete our enrollment form - link below
Course Number: CAR 751-80

Step 2: Once you complete our enrollment form above download the required forms (below). Email all forms to David  
Please also include a copy of your valid, current RDH license and CPR certification, along your signed MOU and consent form and completed medical history forms. 

Step 3: Once MCC receives all forms, you will receive an e-mail with log on instructions for the online study. The study is self-paced and takes approx. 50 hours to complete. The online study with three quizzes (75 % or above) must be successfully completed to participate in the 3-day clinical. 

We recommend that participants begin the online study 6-8 weeks prior to clinical.  All forms must be submitted by August 22, 2025.

Questions: email David at or or call 781-280-3821 

Required paperwork/forms:
Local Anesthesia Consent Form
Medical History Form
Memo of Understanding
Copy of valid, current state RDH license
Copy of valid, current CPR certification

Refund Policy:
As stated in the student memo of understanding

Textbook Requirement: Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 7th edition by Stanley Malamed.  Note: The 6th edition may also be used for this course.  Please purchase at your preferred book vendor.  

Attention Massachusetts Small Business Owners:
This course is approved for The Massachusetts Workforce Express Course Fund through Commonwealth Corporation.  If qualified, Mass. employers can receive between 50-100% tuition reimbursement to send w-2 employees to training.
 Local Anesthesia Certification Course Approval Code: C-0052

Medical Emergencies for the RDH and CDA

Medical emergencies do occur in the dental setting, and we all need to be prepared!  This course will provide participants with guidelines for preventing and managing medical emergencies.  Prevention strategies will include reviewing the patient medical history, obtaining medical consultations and modifying treatment for medically compromised patients.  Participants will learn how to conduct a patient risk evaluation, the importance of emergency equipment in the office, and how to manage common medical emergencies as part of the dental team.  3 hours, 3 CEUs.  $65
At the end of the course participants should be able to:

  • Assess a patient’s emergency risk
  • Request necessary physician consultations before providing treatment
  • Modify treatment to prevent emergencies from occurring
  • Assemble an emergency medical kit
  • Describe basic medical emergency management protocol
  • Recognize the clinical signs and symptoms of common medical emergencies

April 12, 2025      9:30am - 12:30pm       Saturday              Professor: DR. TERKOSKI
Online via Zoom                               
Course Number:  HLT 721 80       

Nutrition Considerations for the Dental Professional

This course provides participants with a review of core nutrition concepts with a focus on oral health. We will explore the foundations of a nutritionally balanced diet and the implications of diet and nutrition on oral health, both broadly and in consideration of specific populations and life stages. Participants will be empowered to confidently apply their diet and nutrition knowledge in their clinical practice and further support the health and healthy actions of their patients. 3 CEUs, 3 hours $65
Course Objectives: After this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the essential nutrients and describe their functions, common dietary sources, imbalance manifestations, and oral health implications.
  • Describe the key elements of a balanced diet.
  • Explain the roles of diet and nutrition in caries risk.
  • Explain the roles of diet and nutrition in periodontal health.
  • Discuss the implications of diet and nutrition on oral health across life stages and specific populations.
  • Discuss how to perform a dietary assessment in the dental setting and apply findings in effective patient education.
  • Identify evidence-based nutrition resources for clinicians and patients.

February 22, 2025  Saturday    
8:00am - 11:00am       
Online via Zoom                                    
Course Number:  HLT 751 75  CRN 19973       
Professor: SHUTOFF    

Medical Interpreting Certificate
Medical interpreters are in great demand both in person and remotely by video or phone.  Interpreters can elect to work for a hospital, school, or state agency, or as contractors with many agencies throughout the country. They can also elect to work remotely from home where they can work independently and make their own hours. Open to all languages, this 60-hour program provides working knowledge of medical interpreting, including standards of practice, ethics, HIPAA regulations, cultural competency, and medical terminology/vocabulary. The course provides intense practice via oral role plays on a variety of medical topics.  The student will also be introduced to VRI (video remote interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting).

Offered in collaboration with TransFluenci EDU, this course is designed for those preparing for entry level careers as medical interpreters as well as for working interpreters preparing for the National Board Certificate exam. Students must be fully bilingual and must be fluent in English and one other language. This program meets the National Board for Medical Interpreter Certification training requirement and prepares you to pass the national certification exam. Upon completion of this course, students may elect to apply for national certification.  For information on certification requirements and cost click on the links below. Not eligible for tuition waivers.

CCHI, Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters

National Board for the Certification of Medical Interpreters

Because a language assessment is required, students must register at least two weeks in advance. (60 Hours) $1,199

6/10 - 8/19           6:00pm - 9:00pm    Tuesday and  Thursday
Online with Class Meeting Times
Course number: HLT 607 33        CRN: 14338

For enrollment information

Nurse Assistant/Home Health Aide Certificate

Nurse Assistant Online Theory - $1,150
4/1 – 6/4    6:30pm - 9:30pm            
Online with Class Meeting Times            
Professor LEWIS
Course Number: HLT 752 36       CRN: 20368

Nurse Assistant Skills Lab - $450
4/19 – 5/10   8:00am - 1:00pm      Saturday
Lowell Campus, Building Derby, room 302          
Professor LEWIS
Course Number: HLT 753 84       CRN: 20423                      

Nurse Assistant Clinical - $750
5/17 – 6/1    8:00am - 3:00pm             Saturday& Sunday
OFF Campus      
Professor LEWIS

Course Number: HLT 756 37       CRN: 20424 


Nurse Assistant Online Theory - $1,150
5/21 - 6/25    4:00pm - 9:00pm            
Online with Class Meeting Times            
Professor CHAMPA
Course Number: HLT 752 33       CRN: 14195

Nurse Assistant Skills Lab - $450
6/26, 7/1, 7/2, 7/9, 7/10   
4:00pm - 8:00pm      
Lowell Campus, Building Derby, room 302          
Professor CHAMPA
Course Number: HLT 753 84       CRN: 14526                      

Nurse Assistant Clinical - $750
6/28, 6/29, 7/12, 7/13   
8:00am - 3:00pm            
Saturday& Sunday

OFF Campus       Professor CHAMPA
Course Number: HLT 756 37       CRN: 14525

Payment plan available.

For enrollment information, email

MCC's Massachusetts Department of Public Health approved training program (including 24 hours of weekend clinical training at a local long-term care facility) prepares you for an entry level career as a Nurse Assistant.  Upon successful completion, you are eligible to sit for the Massachusetts nurse assistant certification exam.

Students will learn how to appropriately care for residents in long-term care facilities and hospitals as well as personal patient care, patient rights, lifting and turning patients, safety, infection control, vital signs, record keeping, mental health care of residents, and stress management.  

Students must have a HS Diploma or GED.  Students will also be required to pass a literacy exam and complete a CORI/SORI check and be able to lift and move 50 pounds. Course is not eligible for waivers or vouchers. (100 hours).

The following requirements must be met: 
Read and sign the student Memo of Understanding
1. Must have proof of high school level English class with C or better or take English Assessment test
2. Must have a valid photo ID (state ID or driver's license)
3. Meet with Program Manager prior to enrollment (Zoom)
4. Agree to a CORI/SORI background check (must complete forms with MCC and provide valid photo ID (license or state issued photo ID)
5. Complete a Health Record Immunization form* 

Required Texts: 
The following two textbooks are required for the program and are available at the MCC Lowell Bookstore:
Or, you may purchase at your preferred book vendor.

  1. Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: Long Term & Home Care Text Edition: 4th
    ISBN: 978-1-60425-133-3
    By: Hedman, Fuzy, & Howard
  2. Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: Long Term & Home (Wkbk)
    Edition: 4th
    ISBN: 978-1-60425-134-0

 Refund Policy:  As stated in student memo of understanding

*Please Note:  Although currently the Massachusetts Department of Public Health does not require the COVID-19 vaccine, most of our off-site clinical partners do. While a reasonable effort will be made to place you in a clinical facility if you do not have these, clinical placement cannot be guaranteed for student who have not received these vaccinations.

Please note: Upon successful completion of our 100 hour noncredit Nurse Assistant/Home Health aide certificate, credit can be awarded for AHP 115 & AHP 116 through articulation.  

Employers: For Massachusetts employers who would like to send employees to the above course:  Employers may qualify for 50% or 100% reimbursement through the Mass. Workforce Express Fund. Tuition must be employer paid.   

Pediatric Expanded Skills Certificate

This course is designed to provide the Nursing Assistant with an expanded knowledge and skill set related to the holistic care of infants, children, and adolescents. You will also gain knowledge and skills to prepare you to care for a range of pediatric clients including those with enteral feeding tubes, tracheostomies, seizures, and specialized respiratory therapy. The student will also learn strategies to communicate and encourage healthy development of children during each developmental stage. On successful completion, students will receive a PESC certificate. $699. 
Not eligible for tuition waivers.

01/06/25 to 01/16/25     Monday and Thursday from 4p - 9p
Online with Class Meeting Times

01/21/25 and 01/27/25 from 4p to 8p
Lowell Campus, Derby Building, room 302

Course Number HLT 789 80   CRN 20340
Professor: CHAMPA

Students must have completed a DPH approved nurse assistant course to participate and submit proof of course completion OR state CNA license.

Medical Surgical C.N.A. Expanded Skills Certificate

This course is designed to provide the Certified Nurse Assistant with an expanded knowledge and skill set related to holistic care of adults, specifically in a medical-surgical hospital setting. You will gain knowledge and skills to prepare for a wide range of adult clients including those with enteral feeding tubes, orthopedic surgeries, special respiratory and neurological care needs. Students will also lean about the C.N.A. role in care for adult clients with chronic and acute illnesses. Special focus will be on recognizing to the nurse along with measuring accurate vital signs and calculating fluid balance. $699. Not eligible for tuition waivers.

Students must have completed a DPH approved nurse assistant course to participate and submit proof of course completion OR state CNA license.

Next session TBA
Course Number    HLT 789-80    CRN 20341

Students must have completed a DPH approved nurse assistant course to participate and submit proof of course completion OR state CNA license.

Dental Office Administration

Are you looking for a career in dental office administration? Join us for a complete introduction to dental front office administration. We will provide a foundation of dental knowledge and administrative skills for anyone interested in starting a career in a dental practice with little to no experience, or dental assistants seeking to expand their knowledge. Course is taught online with instructor via Zoom. $299. 15 hours

Intro to Dental Practice
Dental Terminology/HIPAA/Infection Control
Superior Customer Service and The Patient Experience
Appointment Scheduling and Phone Skills
Treatment Planning, Insurance, and Co-pays
Review and Professional Opportunities  

Thursday, March 6 to April 10, 2025

6pm - 9pm
Online via Zoom                           
Course number: HLT 782 75    CRN: 20253        
Professor: LaRoche

Introduction to Medical Billing

Medical Billing is the preparation of claims for healthcare procedures rendered that are submitted to patients and/or insurance companies for reimbursement.  Medical billers act as the financial waypoint between patients, providers and payers.  In this introductory class, you will learn how the insurance process works, the claim life cycle, how payers affect the reimbursement process, and the regulations enforced under HIPAA. $499

Medical Billing (20 hours)
online via Zoom
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon: 1:00p – 3:30p
October 14 – November 6
Course Number HLT 794-75   CRN  18534     

Professor: MCKETHAN

Medical Office Administrator Certificate

The Medical Office Administrative Assistant is the first point of contact between the patient and the medical office, establishing a professional and positive patient experience. This program will provide skills needed for an entry level position as a patient access coordinator, medical office admin, customer service, or call center representative. Topics:  Customer Service Excellence, Intro to Medical Terminology, Introduction to Medical Billing, and Intro to Computer Applications. Students need access to a PC with a camera/microphone and with MS Office Suite installed. Must complete/attend all sessions to receive the certificate. (84 hours) $2,175. Payment plan available.

Training sessions Fall 2025 - Enroll by September 3, 2025

Computer Applications (24 hours)
online via Zoom
Wednesday night: September 17 – November 5
6:00p – 9:00p
Professor:  Kim Campion
Course Number  TEC 748-75   CRN 16128

Customer Service Excellence (20 hours)
online via Zoom
5:00p – 8:30p
Tuesday and Thursday night: September 23 through October 9, 2025 
Professor:  Darcy Orellana
Course Number CAR 966-75    CRN 18533

Medical Terminology (20 hours)
online via Zoom
2:00p – 4:30p
Monday afternoon: September 22 – November 17 (no class October 13)
Professor:  Davi Chabner
Course Number HLT 786-75  CRN 18535

Medical Billing (20 hours)
online via Zoom
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon: 1:00p – 3:30p
October 14 – November 6
Professor:  Tracey McKethan
Course Number HLT 794-75   CRN  18534


Medical Terminology for Everyone

You will be introduced to the world of medical language.  Terms are explained in simple easy to understand approach – no prior science or biology knowledge required!  Topics are presented in the context of how the human body works in health and disease.  Exercises, photographs, diagrams and real-life scenarios will reinforce learning.  Textbook included. Topics:  Understanding Medical Terms; Word Analysis; Basic medical suffixes and prefixes. $499

Medical Terminology (20 hours)
online via Zoom
2:00p – 4:30p
Monday afternoon: September 22 – November 17 (no class October 13)
Professor:  Davi Chabner
Course Number HLT 786-75  CRN 18535    

Professor: CHABNER

Pharmacy Technician Certified Board Exam Prep & 80 hour externship

Under the supervision of a Registered Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technicians work in hospitals, home infusion pharmacies, community pharmacies and other healthcare settings. This course is designed to teach students in a retail setting the knowledge and skills necessary to practice as a Pharmacy Technician. The course will consist of a 60 hour instructor led class followed by an 80 hour externship in an actual pharmacy setting. The course will prepare the student to take the National Certification Exam to become PTCB certified. The instructor led portion of the class will review various topics including pharmacy operations, pharmacy law, pharmaceutical calculations, routes of administration, medical abbreviations, medication dosage forms, interpreting drug orders, regulations and the top two hundred prescription medications.

An externship with a local pharmacy will be part of the program. The externship portion of the course is designed to give the student real world experience in a retail pharmacy setting to reinforce the topics studied in the classroom. Students will also be given practical knowledge on the interview process and what employers are seeking in a candidate. This is a fast-paced class that requires students to have a basic understanding of fractions, formulas, and conversions. Not eligible for tuition waivers.

(60 hours) $1,750 
Pay plan is available

Tuesday and  Wednesday nights   
June 3 to August 6, 2025
6p to 9p  
Online with Class Meeting Times Via Zoom
Course Number: HLT 715 30    CRN 14432              
Professor:  Gomatos

To apply email: 

Program Prerequisites:

  1. Students must have HS diploma or GED and must be at least 18 years of age.
  2. It is strongly recommended that students have strong mathematics, spelling, and reading skills. Classes that would be a useful foundation for this work are high school chemistry, algebra, and English.
  3. Students are required to take a MCC Math Assessment test. In lieu of the assessment, students can provide HS transcripts indicating High School Math with a C or better.
  4. Give permission for a CORI & SORI background check with MCC.
  5. Prior to start of Externship hours, students must apply for and receive their Massachusetts Pharmacy Technician in Training License
  6. A drug test will be conducted Prior to start of optional Externship hours

Phlebotomy Certificate

Phlebotomy is a rewarding entry-level career for one who desires to work directly with patients. Quality collection of blood samples by phlebotomists is important for the patient's healthcare team to produce accurate laboratory results and determine proper medical treatments. This program will provide the education and skills needed to be a successful phlebotomist. The training program with Middlesex Community includes 120 hours of theory and skills lab training. Additionally, students will be placed into a 100–120-hour clinical externship to provide real-time learning in an active healthcare setting. Externship will take place between April – June. Once the student has completed the program at MCC, they may choose to sit for a national phlebotomy certification on their own (separate fee from this program).  $2,699. Scrubs and textbook cost are separate fees.
Books = $100; Scrubs = $70. Professor:  MASON

Payment Play Available 

02/24 - 04/21      6:00pm - 10:00pm    
Monday - Online with class meeting times via Zoom

 2/26 - 04/23      6:00pm - 9:45pm      Wednesday
Lowell Campus    Building: Talbot, room 312
Skills Lab 

03/01 - 04/26      8:00am - 3:00pm       Saturday
Lowell Campus    Building: Talbot, room 312
Skills Lab 

Course Number: HLT 791 80       CRN: 20394
No Class week of March 17                      

 Off Site Clinical Externship between April - June 

The following requirements must be met: 
Read and sign the student Memo of Understanding

  1. Must have a high school diploma or GED
  2. Must have a valid photo ID (state ID or driver's license)
  3. Meet with Director prior to enrollment
  4. Agree to a CORI/SORI background check (must complete forms with MCC and provide valid photo ID (ie license or state issued photo ID)
  5. Complete Extensive Health Immunizations and physical

To apply email

Are you preparing to take the TEAS EXAM and need some extra assistance?  These online, self-paced test preparation courses in math, reading and language, and science are available for those preparing to take the ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute) TEAS for Nursing and Allied Health Exam.
Not eligible for tuition waivers. To view TEAS practice questions and gain information regarding test accommodations click here. 

Refunds:  No refunds will be issued after January 12, 2025.
Please note that not logging into a course does not qualify as an automatic refund.  Once registered for the course the refund policy is active.  Refund Policy

Upon completion of registration please email:  to obtain online course access.

Cost: $120 per class 

Students may enroll in TEAS online courses between
April 22 - July 10, 2025
To register please complete the
Community Education Registration Form

Access to online class content dates:
May 28 - August 29, 2025   

All TEAS classes are web based and offered in a self-paced, self-study format through the Blackboard. This means that you are taking the class at your own pace and schedule with access to an instructor for any questions or assistance needed.  There are no class meeting times.

  • To learn more about Blackboard and online learning at MCC
  • All materials are developed by Dr. Svenconis. Students can email Dr. Svenconis with any class content questions. 

TEAS Math Prep
This ONLINE prep class contains a thorough review of arithmetic, basic algebra, and geometry with complete lessons and explanations (including quizzes) for each content subject. There are 5 simulated math TEAS exams with complete step-by-step solutions. This prep class is designed to help students learn the skills needed to score well on the exam. Not eligible for tuition waivers. $120            

May 28 - August 29, 2025
Online with no class meeting time
Course Number: CAR 885 75
CRN: 13858       

TEAS Reading/Language Prep
This course contains a thorough review of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and writing rules and a thorough review of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and writing rules. There are 5 simulated reading and 5 simulated language exams with complete step-by-step solutions. $120

May 28 - August 29, 2025
Online with no class meeting time
Course Number: CAR 886 75   
CRN: 13859    

TEAS Science Prep
This course contains a thorough review of the major principles of general science, genetics, human body, life science, physical & chemical science and the scientific method. There are 5 simulated science TEAS exams with complete step-by-step solutions. $120

May 28 - August 29, 2025
Online with no class meeting time
Course Number: CAR 887 75           
CRN: 13860 

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Community Education and Training